Mega Business Tendencies 2020-2025

Claudiu Gamulescu Avatar




Mega trends are defined as transformative, global forces that define the future world with their far reaching impact on business, societies, economies, cultures and personal lives.

How and where to do business in order to be profitable ? Here are the Mega trends, choose one or many. For us is Digital Transformation, AI – Artificial Intelligence and Robotics – Connectivity, impacting the Lifestyle of SME and Medical Practices. Of course, being eco friendly and thinking well-being

1. Digital transformation
2. E-commerce
3. AI – artificial intelligence
4. Robotics –


5. China
6. Lifestyle + Urbanisation
7. Eco + Planet
8. Climate change
9. Longevity
10. Wellbeing

keyphrase: D’ici 2025, les gens interagiront avec un appareil en ligne toutes les 18 secondes (contre 6,5 minutes aujourd’hui)

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