ACTIVE BACKUP: Copy an entire COMPUTER to a Synology NAS (local or remote)
HYPER BACKUP: Copy a folder from the local NAS to a Local or Remote destination (NAS or Cloud)
SYNOLOGY DRIVE: Opens the possibility of working local files to a Remotely accessible (and mappable)
SYNOLOGY DRIVE CLIENT: installed on the local COMPUTER to backup/upload files to Synology Drive
SNAPSHOT REPLICATE: Copies a FOLDER from one NAS to another NAS
ACTIVE GOOGLE BACKUP: Copy files from the Cloud to a Synology NAS (local or remote)
ACTIVE MICROSOFT BACKUP: Copy files from the Cloud to a Synology NAS (local or remote)
USB COPY: Copy files from the NAS to a local USB, only once
CLOUD SYNC: Sync files from SynDrive one way or both ways with GOOGLE, MICROSOFT, DROPBOX
GLACIER BACKUP: Synchronize files from Local Drive with AMAZON one way or both ways
Local Server RAID
Local Synology
Remote Cloud Drive or Rackspace
Remote Synology (DataCenter or Cloud C2)
LEVEL 5 –“La Totale”
100% you cannot loose your Data (and you don’t care about your computer anymore)
Spaces: Local Server RAID + Local Synology + Google Drive + Remote Synology (DataCenter or Cloud)
Server image with ACTIVE BACKUP in Synology Remote
Workspace on Local D:Data which becomes SYNOLOGY DRIVE installed on Local NAS
Synology Drive is Sync 2way with Google Drive with ACTIVE GOOGLE BACKUP
LEVEL 4 –“La Complete”
100% you cannot loose your Data (and you don’t care about your computer anymore)
Spaces: Local Server RAID + Local Synology + Remote Synology (DataCenter or Cloud)
Server image with ACTIVE BACKUP in Synology Remote
A part of Workspace on Local D:Data which becomes SYNOLOGY DRIVE installed on Local NAS
Backup important data with SYNOLOGY DRIVE CLIENT on SYNOLOGY DRIVE
LEVEL 3 –“La Bonne”
100% you cannot loose your Data (and you don’t care about your computer anymore)
Spaces: Local Server RAID + Remote Synology (DataCenter or Cloud)
Server image with ACTIVE BACKUP in Synology Remote
(probably you will need more remote stockage data)
LEVEL 2 –“Protection+”
You can lose Data on Fire, Water, Theft(and you don’t care about your computer anymore)
Spaces: Local Server RAID + Local Synology
Server image with ACTIVE BACKUP in Synology Local
(probably you will need to phisically secure both equipments )
100% you cannot loose your Data (but you care about your computer)
Spaces: Local Server RAID + Google Drive
A part of Workspace on Local D:Data which becomes GOOGLE DRIVE installed on Local Computer
LEVEL 1 –“Protection”
You can lose Data on Fire, Water, Theft (and you care alot about your computer)
Spaces: Local Server RAID
(you will need to phisically secure the server )
LEVEL 0 : The rest is local computer used as server or machine with no backup
A good pray does the thing.
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