This is a hell of a guy and a very good friend ! Sven Schöbel is his name, proud member of JCI Copenhagen International. The whole story was built around a beer, a lot of reciprocal human understanding and voluntary actions. And don’t forget the JCI spirit of course …
photo : Sven and Berthold Daems, JCI President 2012
I met Sven in 2010 in Tarragona (Spain) at JCI European Congress and we had some talks about our projects.
Back in time when i co-founded JCI Brasov (2009) i planned 4 big actions:
1. A free-access library for businessman (result in our online library and the JCI Copenhagen books project) / local notoriety
2. An interactive digital map-system for the city (result in successful Gameville pilot-project) / financing source
3. Social Synapses – a Facebook offline initiative (only project) / social recognition
4. An international tool for twinning (the JCI World App and Program started discussion with Krakow, Copenhagen, Augsburg, Saint-Etienne) / international recognition
Sven told me that he founds very interesting the book-project and that he sees it not only business as i said, but also for children. The second round of discussion we made it in Braunschweig Germany in 2011, also at JCI European Congress. Few month later, the project emerged and you can find all the article here (in Dannish and English Google Translate).
Conclusion :
– Over 100 books already in eLibrary (subscription only JCI members, write me an email at
– 130 kg of books for children and study sent to Brasov
– 75% of (personal) initial goals of JCI Brasov complete. Thank you Sven Schöbel, Ionut Tata and Albert Satre for your help in fulfilling these.
See you all in 2013 in Monaco !
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