Good and Bad Statistics

Claudiu Gamulescu Avatar



Yes, we are doing this. Using Statistics as reasons and somehow to laugh/accuse/pity the others … If you (people) are 51% are doing this stuff than … well, i got an idea … Living inside EU puts alot of statistics on the table and they are used in political ways not cohesion , but this is another story.

First of all, i watched the Mona Chalabi story in a random Ted playlist for sport in the morning. And i said to myself, look, somebody just put out the words in my head. Yes, Statistics (and i just love Statistics) ARE NOT relevant all the time and we are so hungry about data that we ate everything on the table, without often regarding who is the manufacturer. To resume Mona’s point of view:

  • If you can see uncertainty in the data, than don’t rely on
  • If you cannot see yourself in the data, than they are not relevant to you
  • The source of the statistics are as important as the result of statistics / see behing who and why are doing the numbers

Today i crossed a statistic from WE Forum, an organisation that i like a lot, regarding reading in Europe
They are saying that even if France is the 4th spender in EU on books, magazines, etc (about 1.25 mld), they read about 12h per year

Is the first graphic i try to intrepret with Mona’s views

  1. Can i see uncertainty in the data ? YES – i think everybody reads at least 2 min in the toilets every day (is about ALL the reading) . And after that if i divide the ammount with the population to reach the 200€/year spend in books and magazines, i think not everybody is crazy to collect them, sometimes they read them
  2. Can i see myself in the data ? NO, as personal statistics are high and NO, because i read as a pleasure not as a contest
  3. The source …. well, i was giving some trust to WEF, i will still do but with more retention in the future.

And even Estonia that is 13 min/day i think is not at real value. Remember this small country where 90% are in towns. Only the activities of kids in the schools are propelling this statistic.

Anyway, read more. Is good for spirit and brain


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