
Claudiu Gamulescu Avatar



link : heycrowd.com

HeyCrowd is a mobile app for iPhone (iOS only right now) at the cross-roads ofsocial entertainment and quick opinion or sentiment polling. This is my personal definition, no official marketing slogan. One thing it is for sure: it is very sticky and addictive.

With the name change, the tagline also changed and reads today like that:Social polling made simple.

One year ago, I listened to his pitch, we started discussing it and in less than 10 minutes I was hooked into it.

I wasn’t convinced that he had a killer product, yet still, I was intrigued enough to become involved. The tagline one year ago was: Opinions on the go. This didn’t sound like something that matters to me. So why did I like it?

Looking back, I believe there were two main reasons: The first was the entrepreneur himself, second was his execution of the 1st version of the product. I believe that both are essential to the story of winning LeWeb’s Silver award, and maybe also exemplary for other start-ups.

source : Tumblr

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