
Website Ophtalmologie (à Laval)

Claudiu Gamulescu Avatar




Ophtalmologie Laval

Medical &Services realized a website for an Ophtalmology private practice cabinet of 3 doctors in in Laval (in fact is the second in this medical branch in 2019, we did another one in Vitré. Why is this important ?

  • because is new in France (since february 2019)
  • because it opens new perspectives for the doctors and for the web-companies
  • because medical = clean and clean means a good image, is about the visual hygene – Logo, Website, e-Identity, Publishing, G-Business, G-Search, FB, etc …

The Internet has profoundly changed our communication practices and habits. No more paper directories, no more mail that we post to request information. Today, 8 out of 10 households are connected, according to the Observatoire du Numérique.

CNOM strongly encourages the dissemination of health information by the physicians themselves. In fact, patients overwhelmingly recognize doctors as the primary reliable source of information.

By posting the advice posted in the waiting room or the practical sheets that you usually give to your patients on your personal website, you ensure secure communication that is easy to access and updated in real time.

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