• Open Public Data in France


    Open Public Data in France

    The First minister Jean-Marc Ayrault created in 31 October 2012 the General Secretary for Modernization of Public Action , under his authority, an extension of General Secretary for Government, and the management was charged to Mr. Jérôme Filippini, chief-consultant for the “Cour des Comptes”. The opening of the public data on Internet (« Open Data »), is driven by…

  • French Government open to OPEN (Source)


    French Government open to OPEN (Source)

    In an official document the Prime Minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, encouraged the usage of open source, for its obvious benefits. Of course, the action is meant to reduce the governmental costs up to 10%, but nevertheless there also some other benefits : – the open source sector employs in 2012 about 30.000 people in France – the rate of…