Project Management
Tag: Project Management
Les 5 pourquoi – techniques de recherche
Contexte La technique des 5 pourquoi s’utilise essentiellement en résolution de problème. Elle est notamment utilisée en : accidentologie pour trouver les causes profondes d’un accident ; démarche qualité ; argumentation : pour bâtir un argumentaire de vente par exemple. Plus largement, la technique des 5 pourquoi est particulièrement utilisée en lean management. Les cinq…
10 Steps in the architecture of an Online Training
1. TIME Set up how long is the Training. For you and for your students. For instance – Face to face – presentation training, 2 times 2 hours is the best (or one time 4 hours) Online training – 4 times 1 week (one month), about 5 minutes, 6 video-interventions (one at the beginning, 4…
About Failure in IT Projects
About 70% of IT Projects fail. A far bigger rate than any industry. So, before you start, think twice. Top in succes criteria are a) User Involvement b) Execution (and Executive Management Support) c) Clear statement . Vision and Hard Working come to the end. original, download 1. User Involvement 19 2. Executive Management Support 16…