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    Les 5 pourquoi – techniques de recherche

    Contexte La technique des 5 pourquoi s’utilise essentiellement en résolution de problème. Elle est notamment utilisée en : accidentologie pour trouver les causes profondes d’un accident ; démarche qualité ; argumentation : pour bâtir un argumentaire de vente par exemple. Plus largement, la technique des 5 pourquoi est particulièrement utilisée en lean management. Les cinq…

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    10 Steps in the architecture of an Online Training

    1. TIME Set up how long is the Training. For you and for your students. For instance – Face to face – presentation training, 2 times 2 hours is the best (or one time 4 hours) Online training – 4 times 1 week (one month), about 5 minutes, 6 video-interventions (one at the beginning, 4…

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    About Failure in IT Projects

    About 70% of IT Projects fail. A far bigger rate than any industry. So, before you start, think twice. Top in succes criteria are a) User Involvement b) Execution (and Executive Management Support) c) Clear statement . Vision and Hard Working come to the end. original, download 1. User Involvement 19 2. Executive Management Support 16…