Claudiu Gamulescu
Author: Claudiu Gamulescu
Jacques-Antoine Granjon
Après ses études à l’European Business School (EBS), Jacques-Antoine Granjon, petit-fils d’entrepreneur, crée en 1985 avec Julien Sorbac, un ami de l’EBS, la société Cofotex S.A., spécialisée dans la vente en gros de fins de séries. En 1996, il rachète les anciennes imprimeries du « Monde » à la Plaine-Saint-Denis (93) pour y installer le siège de sa société, lequel…
Telefonica invests 35 mil $ in Boku
Telefónica Digital has bought a stake in the mobile payments provider, Boku and will make its services available through Telefonica’s mobile networks. Under the terms of the agreement, Boku will become Telefónica‘s preferred mobile payments partner and Telefónica will extend its relationship with Boku across its operating businesses. Telefónica joined other investors in raising additional…
Symantec buys for 115 million $
Security and storage giant Symantec has announced the acquisition of cloud email archiving company LiveOffice. The acquisition price was $115 million. LiveOffice is a SaaS provider of email archiving, compliance and hosting. In addition to providing cloud based email archiving, and also archives email which is on-premise. By hosting email archives with them, customers can…
Jobintree raise 1.8 milion €
Le portail français dédié à la recherche d’emploi Jobintree a bouclé un nouveau tour de table de 1,8 million d’euros, financé, pour la première fois, par le fonds de capital-risque Alven Capital, à hauteur de 1,2 million d’euros. Il rejoint ainsi les investisseurs historiques du site de recrutement, comme la société de gestion 123Venture. A…
SAP buys Datango
SAP has acquired software from Datango that will allow it to add multilingual online help and training materials to enterprise software applications. The move will broaden SAP‘s software training portfolio and could help its customers cut support costs through improved user training. The Datango software makes it easier for enterprises to create documentation, classroom training…
- raises 1.2 mil $ for good impressions
The need for a service like comes from the three trends: The amount of information people share online is doubling every year and much of that is automated (like Spotify plays showing up in your Facebook Timeline); second, the mainstream is waking up to how much information is available about you online in a…
By paying advertising online, we drive sales in our shops
• 40% to 50% of customer’s acquired through search are new-to-merchant buyers • 9% of paid search clicks generate an in-store purchase Merchants online and offline may be flying high on the increase in sales this holiday season, but in a couple of weeks, that high will wear off in the face of lagging traffic…
Tagged buys Hi5
Tagged bought Hi5 for a non-disclosed sum. In 2008 Hi5 was the top in social networks , in front of MySpace or Facebook. The biggest problem was to interconnect people, a technology that Tagged seems to have. The income for the latter company is about 40-45 million USD per year, so they an afford a test like this, because the fight for social media is…