• Online Tendences in 2015


    Online Tendences in 2015

    A good post found here trending 2015 in Internet Business. Basic there are few major trends to follow: 1. Social Media as phenomenon ended,  people and companies still develop, but the major players are already set 2. Photos tend to be the main content of social media 3. The rental/sharing economy will be the next business everybody…

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    About Failure in IT Projects

    About 70% of IT Projects fail. A far bigger rate than any industry. So, before you start, think twice. Top in succes criteria are a) User Involvement b) Execution (and Executive Management Support) c) Clear statement . Vision and Hard Working come to the end. original, download 1. User Involvement 19 2. Executive Management Support 16…

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    24H Internet Usage Map (2013)

    Worldwide Internet Usage Map It seems like having a good picture where people live 🙂