Category: HowTo
How to choose between HP Proliant Microserver G8 versus G10
5 years ago i was introduced in the world of networks by Ionut Calugaru who helped us out with the configuration of server + network. He presented us also the Microsorvers sollutions from HP-Proliant, a very nice space-saving lego-like item, fit for the needs of medical offices (up to 25 users). Since then we worked…
6 Shortcuts to persuade a client
I always liked Robert Cialdini and his Science of Persuation . Since i am “on topic” with the Clients for my startup Médcial&Services, i am doing some research and i am glad i ran by chance in a short video explaining how to mentally a quick set up for your client. The topic is not…
Hire somebody to install and configurate plugins for your WordPress website
How much costs you a WordPress Website? A small study in how to get help in installing and configurating the plugins for your wordpress website. And of course, after that you run into a kind of maintenance work. What We do (Digital+ in May’HUB, Laval 53000, France) 60€/an hosting on Hetzner’s servers Full WordPress Install…
Les 5 pourquoi – techniques de recherche
Contexte La technique des 5 pourquoi s’utilise essentiellement en résolution de problème. Elle est notamment utilisée en : accidentologie pour trouver les causes profondes d’un accident ; démarche qualité ; argumentation : pour bâtir un argumentaire de vente par exemple. Plus largement, la technique des 5 pourquoi est particulièrement utilisée en lean management. Les cinq…
La veille informationnelle – simplifier votre vie entreprise en quelques pas
La veille informationnelle est une « activité continue en grande partie itérative visant à une surveillance active de l’environnement technologique, commercial, etc., pour en anticiper les évolutions » voir Wiki Une veille de qualité combine généralement plusieurs outils de veille. On trouve deux méthodes : La méthode pull : le veilleur va rechercher les informations,…
10 Steps in the architecture of an Online Training
1. TIME Set up how long is the Training. For you and for your students. For instance – Face to face – presentation training, 2 times 2 hours is the best (or one time 4 hours) Online training – 4 times 1 week (one month), about 5 minutes, 6 video-interventions (one at the beginning, 4…
Comment utiliser un CRM – Système de gestion de la relation clients
Salut, moi je suis Claudiu et je veux partager avec vous quelques astuces sur la gestion de la relation client. En anglais customer relationship management (CRM), donc l’ensemble des outils et techniques destinés à capter, traiter, analyser les informations relatives aux clients et aux prospects, dans le but de les fidéliser et de les…
Facebook Photos Size Guide: Dimensions & Types (2013)
In a post Davide Coleman gives us the size for Facebook covers and photos. Facebook has made some changes to its image sizes and layout recently, so here’s my updated 2013 version of the guide for Facebook image and photo sizes and types. Cover Photo The cover photo is the large panoramic image space at…
My iPhone Button doesn’t work
I had this problem and read a lot of articles on Internet. I selected the best and copy it here, so others can solve this problem … Try them in order 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6 source: Fix 1: Calibrate Your iPhone The very first thing you should try with your iPhone…