Category: Productivity
6 Shortcuts to persuade a client
I always liked Robert Cialdini and his Science of Persuation . Since i am “on topic” with the Clients for my startup Médcial&Services, i am doing some research and i am glad i ran by chance in a short video explaining how to mentally a quick set up for your client. The topic is not…
Steve Jobs’s Rule Code
They say there are Steve Jobs’s rules and pathlines, but i believe there is a little in everyone of us. This (can be) is the businessman pathline. So you can use daily: Emotion. Pitch with passion. People can be influenced by strong displays of emotion. Honesty. Being brutally honest will help you build a strong…
Comment développer vos ventes?
En effet …. comment développer vos ventes à partir de vos fichiers prospects/clients ? c’était au LMT, atelier animé par Patricia Domingo (Level UP). Quelles que soient la taille et l’activité de votre entreprise, vous collectez et générez une masse importante d’informations, tout particulièrement dans le domaine commercial : clients potentiels, prospects, abonnés, clients, prescripteurs, devis, cartes…